Tuesday, May 5, 2009

day 14

so, already we are at day 14. i can't believe how fast it has gone. I'm really sorry for the delay on the blog, i know how anxious everyone has been to see pictures and get updates, but she HATES it when i'm on the computer and not paying full attention to her. (and i'm deathly afraid of all things inter-webby so...) But alas, the blog has begun, so i'll try to post updates some what regular, and pictures as soon as matt shows me how.

Matt is still blowing glass, and will be for the next few weeks, so it's been just us girls. Beetle takes a nice long morning nap, which allows me to run around like crazy and get a few things done (ie hanging out laundry, chicken-duty, dishes etc) We did a bit of garden work the other day, but planting onions w/o planting a baby at the same time is a bit challenging. We need to work a bit on our technique. she is a huge fan of the boob on demand, which is great, though something tells me her papa is gonna struggle with that a bit when i have to go back to work. no one likes a fake boob when the real one is so close. We've had a few little outings, nothing major, and she has been wonderful. she is wonderful. the greatest baby ever. we went to the pediatricians last friday and she was up to 7# 8 oz and 20.5 inches long. i don't think she's gonna take after her mama. she eats like a heindl, and it looks like she's gonna grow like one too.

she sits now all curled up in the moby wrap, snug as a little bug. if i could keep her this close to me forever i probably would. I look at her sometimes and cry. I simply can't believe matt and i made something so perfect. she is truly magnificent. i've never been so happy.

i'll try to have matt throw some pics up soon.


B and b


  1. the beetle-blog rules! long live the beetle-blog!

    bigs: i know all of your friends have been bugging the shit out of you for pictures and words and the like, but it's just too exciting not to be a bit of a hanger on. so so so happy for you and matt.

    keep it coming!

  2. Hey B and b!

    Baby bliss

    I like it.


  3. I am so excited for you to see her again!!
    she is so cute!

    love ya so much!

